Saturday, December 19, 2009

a précis to my confidant: "harmonica"

about the idea of a “team mate,” one’s “other,” or partner in crime(life) ...

i have often thought about this. this “other” (person). i can remember thinking about this from grade school and usually visualizing it as “back to back” (our backs literally, but ultimately metaphorically, together). not just as a friend but as a mate (though i didn’t quite understand the concept of “mate” at the time, but i know i had a feeling for it.)

we each have the elements that we each respond to. these elements are what bring or push us together, or not, or even repulse or pull us apart (none of these implying a negative or positive meaning). because of this perspective, i find myself listening to the nature of things, the flow of existence. i do not take a passive role but likewise i do not take an aggressive role; exclusively. i embrace, employ, and respect all aspects or elements of being. this is not something i do with design but by intuitive balance. meaning, i listen to my being and to all others and arrive with a rich intuition that supports and guides me.

my friends, those i am in close proximity to (regardless of physical notion), can have variable-difference but still have a cheek-tart synchronym that polishes my notes. i do wonder how close someone/anyone can get to me, or i to them. can that childhood-established ideal be realized in some relatively realistic form? because i can see the abstract world so abundantly i cannot deny the optimism or idea that this “other” does exist. the ideas: that we will ever meet, or that we ever exist in overlapping time or age/experience-parallels is inconsequential to my sanguinity.
i respond to the living world like a dance partner. sometimes i lead, sometimes i follow, sometimes something else. i see no absolutes; and so, possibility is endless even in those elements that seem not to change. my friends and all those people i encounter and influence or am influenced by are seen with the same outlook. i do not ultimately decide on who i will connect with or not. i act upon my instinct and intellectual encouragements to further my distinct connections. but how well we will rhyme or connect is dependent on factors transcendent of tenuous human control or will.

i enjoy and appreciate the current. wherever it takes me is a continual-now that i participate in. friends amplify this already-overwhelming premise. that i am without any friend in physical proximity is ok; my pixel will not dither away to digital naughts without physical ties; and, if anything, yearning for this closeness, in the abstract, saturates my sensibilities with appreciative marvel.

“my friends do not elude me. we are connected by atomic circumstance.”
this idea serves my imagination, my intellect but not my instinct, not my sentiment. indeed, melancholy is folded into my dough; however, the scent of bakings are strong and flow as easily through dense forest as closed door. it is said that even those without nose can feel it in their hearts and are guided by its divinitive aroma.

whether seen or not. ‘ known or not. my bright and heart are imbued deep and true by who you are...

my friend.

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