Saturday, November 19, 2011

alma gemela

awhile back i posted an entry titled "sentimento undulato."  the title (not the entry) was inspired by a story shared to me by my soul mate.  it was about, if i remember right, an italian or perhaps spaniard(in spain) saying "avanti" to his girlfriend or perhaps wife.  i instantly was enamoured by the sentiment, the experience i enjoyed when i heard it and felt it.  it made me feel like so many other feelings i've received in life, but especially so this time- i was made hyper sensitive to the go's of life as it was happening.

to feel the textures of life specifically without effort but with a demand of effort that is freely and willingly given ~ it is a balanced state to be in when that happens.
over the fall i've come to refer to this as "sentimento undulato."  which simply means a "corrugated feeling."  to me "corrugated" is cozy, it is intimate, it is strong, it is fundamental and has a valuable foundation. a rich core.
but it is also temporary and can fail.  and that is ok.  because when we are gifted with that sensation, freed by our own clouds to see that expanse so close to us, we are left not alone but fulfilled beyond ourselves.

i am made incredible~

by my soul mate.

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