Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the present segment

i muddy myself with the conclusions of others. i seem to forget, whether easy or quickly, what i know or have experienced and thus "lose myself" to other's ideas, endeavours, moods/attitudes, beliefs, etc.*; i seem to forget that humans are relatively predictable in foundation or base patterns, especially those things heavily influenced by instinct or biological elements. i hope to be able to embrace this awareness more fully than i currently do. i continue to ask questions and search for the relative answers that enable me to connect to existence, myself, and most importantly, to others.
i have to remember of the “state of present,” meaning that what someone(thing) is will not be anything different for any given sample of time. continuing forward, the individual “state of present” may be influenced but there are curves (histogram/chart) involved in this “model” of thought. that given time the curve of influence or change increases. there are exceptional circumstances where the curve would spike or have an abnormal path as compared to common or average results.this idea goes for myself as well as all others and elements in existence. embracing this truly has been elusive. but i feel the awareness coming continually.

*humans and mainly, all culture and aspect of existence is interesting. i lose myself to that easily. wonderfully overwhelming.

it seems what i'm reacting to is related to the following: "to expect otherwise than what is present is nonsense." i believe, perhaps some other person like einstein (or was it sherlock holmes?) that said or is associated with saying something similar.

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