Wednesday, April 29, 2009

things are until they are not (or something else)

the above "title" is what i am, a part of what i am, the whole of i am. but the madness-tangent (that is completely abstract “a point of view”) also creates something inside me that has me rendering, or committing to tangible form, the abstract. i do not do this through manufactured purpose or cause. it is an instinctive compulsion. for lack of better words or abstract communication i am an “artist.” i am made so by all that i am. being an “artist” (or what i like to refer to as “person of expression” or “expressioner” {not expressionist since that word is already taken and thus poses potential confusion}) is result, not occupation or hobby or preference. perhaps those ideas can be represented as well coincidentally. the overlap causes some muddiness or confusion to the awareness and communication of the ideas represented here or in any of my(or my the relative type of human i am a sample of) byproducts(expressive forms of the senses or sensibilities).
i am an expressioner, and i need no explanation, title, or demand understanding; however, in being a human with this expressive observatory attribute the resultant byproduct of expressive bits either in static conventional, unconventional, or recognized-convention works (but widely known and considered as “art” works), all that i am is what is. is what has come to be as a combination of all that i represent by what has contributed and influenced what has gathered(in experience or otherwise) within me.
i am a representation of element and time and evolution and eventuality conclusions, static fragments and segments falling away through change and continuum. my mental dynamic (instinct intellect and intuition – intuition being a dynamic of experience and knowledge and also where wisdom is derived from) creates me interpreter. interpreter of what i represent collectively but also interpreter of the continuum. [side note: continuum interpretations can only be experienced first-hand however, much like freshly homemade tortillas, bread, or other things with a quick oxidation, decay, or change factor.]
and so, what i create in writing, in saying, in doing, in being, is simply what is. to use a popular (but inaccurate phrase) “what needs to be.” this idea seems to apply to all humans and, ultimately, to all in known existence.
and the reason for this writing is to address questions and issues or circumstances i’ve observed. there are beliefs or perspectives that unwitting/unintentionally limit or confuse “results” with “intentions.” the results or the work or the product/byproducts are static forms or indicators (at best) of the source “interpreter.” the interpreter may be human, or nonhuman, or some type of dynamic that “produces.” understanding and specifically understanding “intention” comes from the source. the closer to the source the more direct the understanding may be.“art” is what it comes to be, whether guided by purposeful reason or intuitive feelings. art is expression, even beyond what is conventionally, commonly associated with, or accepted as “art.” “art” is a byproduct of the human dynamic. the idea of “expression,” however, lends to an attribute that transcends mere human activity. so “expression” encompasses or represents the abstract. possibility and potential are limitless there. and since humans live with the influence of the abstract (our minds being enabled with abstract thought) it would seem that static forms would not be so attractive as they have continued to be through our known and relative history, but they are. organic and changing beings perhaps like static forms because of their consistent nature and relative comforts attached to those associations.

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