Tuesday, October 11, 2011

plastyk brat

i am underway, but need to reconcile the muck i've collected about myself.  my friend frank, tells me about eating elephants and though one could argue all the aspects out(mince words), the point of a saying or quote is to capture expression into a shareable accessible form.  the sayings themselves shouldn't be taken as absolutes or all encompassing - they shouldn't be taken so seriously to the point that the point is missed.

the reconciliation is about my resources versus my now awakened ambition - additionally, i not only have decades of imagination byproducts to express but i continually have new ones.  i am very much behind even when it comes to my own mind.

my three-painting goal is proceeding. painting is great.  brush and balance of humidity or flow along with viscosity and texture.  coverage, placement, skill, technique.  but always, those things are a service to the mind, tools, ingredients.

i have a nice, though short, collection of canvas to paint on.  they'll do for a time.  and it's not an issue, the canvas availability. the main issue is in the sculptural forms i am drawn to work on.  i've called these "nitsches" in the past and more recently "column incidents" (i think i called them "columns"). sometimes i refer to the way to capture my mind as "movements" much like the bowels do.  in ways art is just like any other exhaust or refuse.  it captures necessary elements.  a bowel movement captures necessary waste to expel - a very important and valuable thing to have happen. 
the mind consumes and creates and utilizes and absorbs all kinds of nutrients from experience.  it produces it's own measure of gas.  this "gas" is the exhaust we call expression.  and we'll do all kinds of crazy things to let it out; amazing things.  from limb to voice it comes out in all kinds of ways.

i'm still figuring out how to make these incidents- tangible.  they ellude my construction.  but i must commit them to tangible meals that can be distributed.

i'm going to have to find a medium that is small, shapable, moldable, but that is not oil/grease clay or soap.  i have access to alot of discarded cardboards in many grades and guages. those will help.
this way i can mock up my ideas and shape and experiment until they reveal their recipe.

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